Use Diarrhea & Gas complex to relieve symptoms of loose stools, gas, nausea and weakness. Be aware that spoiled food and overeating may cause diarrhea and other intestinal problems. When too much food is eaten, the stomach excretes more acid than usual, causing different problelms depending on the strength and health of the animal. Ingredients Arsenicum album, Baptista tinctoria, Bryonia alba, China officinalis, Collinsonia canadensis, Colocynthis, Elaterium officinarum, Gelsemium sempervirens, Ipecacuanha, Iris versicolor, Lycopodium clavatum, Podophyllum peltatum 15x. Aesculus hippocastanum, Juglans regia, Tabacum, Vaccinum myrtillus 3x. Directions Give a dose every 15 minutes until symptoms abate. For puppies and kittens, give 2 drops every hour. For persistent diarrhea and gas, also give the Detoxifier every evening. If symptoms persist, consult your veterinarian.
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Helps relieve symptoms of loose stools, gas, nausea and weakness.