Formulated for symptoms associated with travel such as fatigue, insomnia, headaches and digestive discomfort.
Directions: Ages 12 and up, take 6 drops or pellets by mouth (ages 0 to 11, give 3 drops or pellets) as needed or as directed by a health professional. Under age 2, crush/dissolve pellets in purified water. Sensitive persons begin with 1 drop or pellet and gradually increase to full dose.
Active Ingredients: Echinacea 3x, Alumina 15x, Aralia quinquefolia 15x, Argentum nitricum 15x, Arnica montana 15x, Arsenicum album 15x, Baptisia tinctoria 15x, Bryonia 15x, Cantharis 15x, Chelidonium majus 15x, Conium maculatum 15x, Gelsemium sempervirens 15x, Iodium 15x, Kali carbonicum 15x, Kali iodatum 15x, Lycopodium clavatum 15x, Lycopus virginicus 15x, Natrum muriaticum 15x, Nux vomica 15x, Phosphorus 15x, Phytolacca decandra 15x, Pulsatilla 15x, Rhus toxicodendron 15x, Sabal serrulata 15x, Thyroidinum 15x.
Liquid Inactive Ingredients: USP Purified water; USP Gluten-free, non-GMO, organic cane alcohol 20%.
Pellet Inactive Ingredients: Gluten-free, non-GMO, organic beet-derived sucrose (lactose free) pellets.
According to the Materia Medica the following remedies in Jet Lag may be administered for the following conditions:
Alumina: Eustachian tubes (ears) are plugged; Throbbing headache with constipation.
Aralia quinquefolia: Drowsiness with headache; Awakens with difficulty or with a startle; Vertigo, cloudiness.
Argentum nitricum: Fear of flying in planes; Enormous distention of stomach; Drowsy stupor.
Arnica montana: Exhaustion; Severe fatigue causes restlessness and sleeplessness; Inclination to sleep, early in the evening.
Arsenicum album: Disturbed anxious sleep; Ill effects from traveling; Constant drowsiness, with strong and frequent yawnings.
Baptisia tinctoria: Great weakness, especially in lower limbs; Constant desire for water; Tired, bruised, sick feeling in all parts of the body.
Bryonia: Ringing, humming in ears; Mucous membranes are all dry.
Cantharis: Palpitations; Great drowsiness, especially in the afternoon, with yawnings and stretching.
Chelidonium majus: Constipation; Backache; Diarrhea; Indigestion; Sleepiness without being able to sleep.
Conium maculatum: Debility; Disturbed and unrefreshing sleep.
Echinacea: Auto-infection; Immune diseases; Sore throat; Aching in limbs.
Gelsemium sempervirens: Muscle pain; Cannot get fully to sleep; Insomnia from exhaustion.
Iodium: Constipation alternating with diarrhea; Buzzing in ears; Sluggish vital reaction.
Kali carbonicum: A "giving out" sensation; Flatulence; Cracking in ears.
Kali iodatum: Noises in ear; Vertigo in the dark, worse traveling; Sciatica.
Lycopodium clavatum: Drowsy during day; Weakness of digestion; Abnormal sleep.
Lycopus virginicus: Wakeful on retiring, though fatigued; Indigestion with pain and distress in gastric region; Constipation.
Natrum muriaticum: Brain fog; Noises, buzzing, humming, ringing in ears; Awakes feeling weak.
Nux vomica: Cannot bear noises, odors, light; Desire for stimulants; Indigestion.
Phosphorus: Chronic congestion of head; Joints stiff; Echoes in ears; Swellings of hands and feet.
Phytolacca decandra: Back and neck stiff; On awakening feels wretched; Nose obstruction when traveling.
Pulsatilla: Heart palpitations; Deafness as if ears were stopped up; Wakes unrefreshed.
Rhus toxicodendron: Stiffness of muscles and joints; Dryness of nose; Mind and senses become cloudy.
Sabal serrulata: Vertigo with headache from fuel fumes; Headache; Fullness in nose and ears.
Thyroidinum: Feels tired and sick, easy fatigue, wants to lie down; Insomnia.
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